Friday, June 29, 2007

Why Do Friends Thoughts Bother Me?

I knew this would happen, I have started mentioning that my husband took on a part time job, and the first thing I hear is "When will he sleep?" Trust me, it's a concern of mine, I am not heartless.

Either way, if I took on work he'd have to be awake with the kids, because daycare....that would defeat our purpose. Hubby thinks the kids would rather be home with me, and he would rather work because he could make more..(which he proved.)

I have to stop caring what other people think, they may not know our full disclosure of how much debt we have, but it's not their business either. Our thought is we got into this together, we get out of it together, he is not the only one making sacrifices here. We do what we have to do.

On other notes, last night I tried to work out a budget, and I am praying we can make this work and stick to it.

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