Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Welcome to July....

The month where I will establish an emergency fund, and tighten the tourniquet to stop the bleeding... since I started this blog I admitted we would not be able to stop using the credit cards right away, however I am pleased to say that in a week, gas and groceries, we only used a little over $100. It feels good.

So Happy 4th, so far so good my husband started his part time job on Monday, and it's going OK. Unfortunately, today being his day off, he got the stomach bug I had earlier in the week, luckily he doesn't need to be at work will 7 am tomorrow, so he has time to recoup.

I am thrilled to already have a reader! Thank You so much for your kinds words, and I hope you keep visiting me!!!!


Bunny McCoy said...

My dh is also looking for PT work right now. I hope your dh starts feeling better.

Debt Mom said...

Thanks Michele, I hope your DH is as lucky as mine was and finds something quick! Thankfully Dh was well intime to go to his PT job!