Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's Been A Whole Month

Well, since my last post it has officially been 1 month.

Why? Well, I have been disappointed in myself, and I am tough on myself, I beat myself up, and make myself feel incredibly guilty.

The month started up fine, I was proud about how much I spent on vacation, to turn around and wash my Mothers Day gift in the washing machine. My purse, with my iPod. I was crushed. So I did what any idiot would do, after a week of trying to revive it using different tips from Dr. Google, I bought a new one.

a) I KNOW that was stupid. Trying to dig out of hole, and not getting anywhere by buying expensive toys. I get that. However - my kids love my iPod, my husband does as well, it keeps me sane, and I need all the help I can get.

b) this time, I am going to insure the sucker, along with my camera and all it's parts. I enjoy photography, and it is an expensive hobby, but I hope one day, it will pay in some way.

So, it has been very hard on me since July, my husband working all night, all day, getting home around 4, eating, going to bed till 10. I knew this would be hard but it becomes trying. So you think I would be excited to hear that he will be getting a little over a week off from his part time job...... just the opposite, all I am thinking about is money......and how losing 8 days will effect us.

We aren't sure how much he will be working after that, whether it will be 12 hours or 24....we have no clue. Hopefully he will find out more this week.

I also offered to help a fellow graduate plan our 10 year high school reunion. I begrudgingly fronted $200 for deposits, as did she. I will get back $130 of that as $70 is for hub and I to attend.

She has asked me to be in charge of collecting the money, as I am at home and that scares me a little. I figure I will use one of the kids savings account to dump the checks. Any other ideas?

Good News:

a) efund - is at $1000
b) my smallest card - the children's place card - PAID OFF!

Here's to October!


Syd said...

Hi Debt Mom. Just found you. We're in the same situation, like you I want to get rid of this debt baggage.
As for washing your ipod I have washed 2 mobile phones in the past, one of them only 2 weeks old, sigh.

Sending you positive thoughts for October.

Jen said...

Hi debt mom, thanks for stopping by my blog.

You got your efund to $1000 and paid off your smallest card! Congrats!!! those are great accomplishments.

Keep around for's going to be a tough month for me and we could all use a little accountability.

Mr. DebtBeater said...

It's easy to disappear for a month, but so long as you're minding your finances during that month you should be OK. :)

I can relate on the iPod thing. I burned through over $700 on iPod/iTunes this spring thinking we "needed" them. I'll be paying for them for another year or so now I'm guessing. *laugh*cry*laugh*

Keep up the updates. It's more fun to work out of this stupid debt-hole with others struggling through the same issues!